Generic Earthbound Trollpasta

When I was a kid, I used to have a NES. I have many fond memories of playing Earthbound (Or Mother 2 to you kamikaze fuckers). Over the years, I lost my games and I missed playing them. Imagine my delight when I found a copy of my favorite game and a console at my local garage sale!! The cartridge was missing it's label, with the title crudely written on it in sharpie. I was so happy to have found it that I didn't really care. I took it up to pay for it but the person behind the table looked scared, and asked me to reconsider (I didn't think about the fact that if the person didn't want to sell it and knew it was evil she wouldn't have it up for sale). Confused, I insisted on buying it. She looked nervous but let me buy the game.
I eagerly took it home and set up the console. I plugged in the game and turned it on, excited to play my favorite childhood game. To my joy the familiar title screen popped up. Just for a second though, something seemed off. The music was slowing down and speeding up, and had the screaming of a Irish woman being raped, and the graphics were becoming grayer and grayer. I blew it off as a glitch and continued to the menu screen. This time the font was just pictures of satanic rituals. I shrugged it off again and continued to the first level.It seemed normal at first, but every time Ness walked, he teleported to a random place in the game. Now I was a bit scared, but continued to play on. Then Ness started breaking into houses and raping everyone! (Including the boys) Now I was completely terrified, and shocked that this was happening. Suddenly, the screen changed to "I'll be raping you!".
I couldn't take any more. I shut off the console, shaking uncontrollably. I turned around only to find a stuffed toy of Ness. His insides was full of semen!. I screamed, and ran. Every time I looked back it was there. I tripped and fell, and looked up to find the doll raping me. I was never seen again. The police found me dead, looking like a waterfall. But instead of water, it wasn't blood, it was semen! I'm writing this from the afterlife. Be warned. Never play creepy cartridges even if they are of your old childhood favorites. kthxbai!